Marco's Blog

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Category: Marketing

  • Operational Marketing: Turning Strategy into Action

    Operational marketing is where the rubber meets the road. It translates the strategic marketing plan into actionable tasks and implements campaigns to achieve the desired outcomes. While strategic marketing focuses on the “why” and “what,” operational marketing handles the “how” and “when,” ensuring that all marketing initiatives align with the overarching business goals. This article…

  • Strategic Marketing: Guiding the Path to Business Success

    Strategic marketing is the cornerstone of any successful marketing initiative. It sets the foundation for a business’s overall direction, ensuring alignment between its goals, target audience, and the products or services it offers. Unlike operational marketing, which focuses on execution, or analytical marketing, which dives into data, strategic marketing answers the “why” and “what” behind…

  • Marketing for dummies

    What is Marketing? If we start from English, marketing means putting on the market! Let’s delve deeper into the concept by taking advantage of some expert definitions that seem perfect. As you can see, reference is always made to making a profit. In doing so, it is necessary to be efficient and effective in all…